Opening hours today 10:00 - 21:00 Buy tickets Menu

Hortus by Night 2023

Hortus by Night: a magical garden

The Hortus will have extended opening hours again this winter with the ‘Hortus by Night’ evenings. This edition, we dive into the theme of plant-animal relations!

Put on your thick jumper and admire the botanical garden by night. The Hortus creates a cosy winter atmosphere with countless glittering and colourful lights in the garden. Warm up by the campfire on our terrace or take a romantic evening stroll. This year, the lighting in the garden and greenhouses will be provided by designer and technical producer Tim Vermeulen.

The Hortus by Night evening are on:

21 to 23 December, 27 to 30 December and 2 to 7 January, until 10PM.

Please note: a regular entrance ticket = admission to Hortus by Night.



Exhibition: night-blooming plants

Especially for Hortus by Night, the Hortus garden team has grown several night-blooming plants! What do you know about the angel trumpet and the thorn apple…? We also take a look at the mysterious pollinators that feast on these nocturnal bloomers. How do the plants manage to attract these moths, bats and other insects in the dark night and what can you tell by the shape and colour of the flower? There are many more interesting stories surrounding these nocturnal bloomers, giving us a surprising insight into their shadow-filled world – now that they are put in a (limited) spotlight for once.

Course (Dutch only): co-evolotion - cooperation between plants and animals

Most people know that flowers are often beautifully adapted to pollinating insects. But how did that wonderful adaptation occur? Basically, plants outsource their sex lives to insects.
This course – consisting of three lectures by enthusiastic tour guide and biologist Arend Wakker – complements the night blooms on display in the Hortus.

The first lecture is about co-evolution and cooperation as a product of evolution. The second part explores the interaction between plants and animals and finally, in the last course part, we look at our relationship to plants and co-evolution: are we perhaps being manipulated by daffodils and tulip bulbs…?

The course (Dutch only) covers three 75-minute lectures – 7.30-9pm, including a 15-minute break, on 21 & 28 December and 4 January.
Cost for participation is 75 euros.





Guided tours (Dutch only): evening excursions in the Hortus

Discover winter life in the Amsterdam Hortus! Which plants do you see in the dark? Which species bloom at night and how do plants cope with cold? We also look at different types of night bloomers and fluorescence. With a tour guide, you walk through the garden and greenhouses and experience the special atmosphere of a winter garden.

You can reserve a spot every Friday and Saturday. Tickets for the guided tours do not include admission. The tours are in Dutch only.



Hortus app tours: on a winter safari

Are you familiar with the Hortus app? It can be downloaded for free from the Apple app store or Google play store.

For adults
Learn more about how nature reacts to the dark cold winter nights with the Night & Winter app route.

In winter, it gets dark early. Plants also notice this difference in daylight; some plants go into hibernation and other ‘night bloomers’ awaken right when night falls. And how do plants cope with the cold temperatures during the winter months? During Hortus by Night, you will discover these stories in the Hortus app, which you can download for free on your smartphone or tablet. Walk through the garden at your own pace and look for all the highlighted plants and trees.

For children

During Hortus by Night, children can follow an audio tour (Dutch) in the Hortus app during the evening. The age range is approximately 6-12 years.

Join the Night Safari and discover the secrets of the Hortus in the dark!

Hortus-café: glühwein, hot cocoa and dinner

In and around the Hortus café it will be lovely this winter. Especially during Hortus by Night, the menu pays extra attention to festive food that suits this cosy season. Get yourself a warming glühwein or hot cocoa outside by the campfire. Come dine with friends or family after a tour or evening walk. Your cosy winter evening is complete in the Hortus.

Reservations in the Hortus Café are possible from 6 people upwards. You can do so by emailing