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New bed for the carnivores

7 August - 30 September

Dit evenement is afgelopen.

Don’t be alarmed by the large empty spot in our garden (formerly the Thunberg section): soon you will find a brand new carnivore bed here! And by carnivores we mean: carnivorous plants with a preference for wet, flooded or otherwise moist and acidic and nutrient-poor soil.

This spot in the garden is perfect for carnivorous plants, as it gets a lot of sun – which these green bug eaters love. The observant visitor will probably know that the current carnivore bed is located near the Three Climate Greenhouse, complete with a small pond. Because the Three Climate Greenhouse will closed next year for renovations, it is about time that this special group of plants was given a new and, above all, better and more prominent place in the garden.

what plants can you expect?

The new bed for the carnivores will be raised, to allow visitors a better view of the plants. In addition, rainwater can be stored under the plants. There will be a small stream so that the water in the pond does not stand still. Species you can expect are pitcher plants (Sarracenia), sundew (Drosera), butterwort (Pinguicula) and bladderwort (Urtucularia). In addition, there will also be different types of mosses (Sphagnum, Polytrichum) and some spectacular marsh bloomers, including orchids. Much attention is paid to habitat and species diversity.

The work will be completed in September. We do all this in collaboration with Vosse Natuurlijke Tuinen. Will you come and admire the new carnivore section soon?